Liverpool High School (NY) 1970s Music & Drama Memories

1972-74, Julian Gocek, 8mm
Welcome to all who participated in music and drama activities at LHS during the 1970s. We performed with concert bands, the marching band, the orchestra, choirs, musicals and plays, and extra-curricular activities (such as the Stage Band and Rock Ensemble). We were performers, musicians, color guard members, crew members, teachers and parents, and now we include our spouses and other valued friends. Explore this site for information about recordings, maintained by alumnus Gary Gocek ('76).

1970s music

Updated 2/14/21
Recordings info

Fine Arts
Hall of Fame

Official site
LCSD Fine Arts

Official site
LHS alumni

School store
Logo merchandise

Gary's blog

Got recordings?

Hall of Fame
'70s cross reference

How hard can it be?

Past Fine Arts reunions and events
On Friday, August 3, 2007, a few of us talked about everyone else behind their backs.
On Wednesday, August 23, 2006, about a dozen alumni attended a happy hour at the Ramada Inn. General Manager and alumnus Tony Mangano provided food. We talked about how we should hold more reunions, and maybe even an alumni cruise.
Friday, November 11, 2005 (Veterans Day), 8 pm - cocktails "on your own" at Tailgaters Tavern (Ramada Inn, Buckley Road).
Saturday, November 12, 2005, 10 am - walk along Onondaga Lake, 6 pm - banquet at Liverpool Country Club.
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 11 am - brunch at Ramada.
I can't adequately express how great a time we had at the 2005 reunion. Send Gary your photo links. See below for budget info. Our photographer has posted photos,
Alan Wood's photos are here.
Back in 2001, I attended my 25th class reunion, and it was fun, but I didn't see the alumni I really wanted to see. And so the music/drama reunion of 2005 was born. I admit that after four years of being involved in the daily grind of contacting alumni and contracting vendors, I almost forgot why we were doing it. Almost. We share a common experience that goes beyond geography, and that experience unites us even now, and that unity became real for me again when we sang the Alma Mater at the banquet. I hope you all have your own goose-bump memories of reunion weekend 2005. - Gary Gocek, '76
2005 reunion committee: Karen Holt Iwanski, Lisa Proietti Guralnick, Joan Murphy Robson, Lauren Proietti Stuligross, Ron Groth, Mike Brigandi, Debbie Busch Thomas, Roberta Marks Kompare.
By Kelvin Ringold, Custom Photogenics
Lisa, Karen, Mike, Ron
Lauren, Gary, Joan
2005 reunion budget: We paid a bit less than budgeted for the banquet because we squeezed in a couple people at the door, but then we held the deejay longer than planned, so we went over budget on that. The alumni directories ran a bit over budget, but Ramada didn't charge us for having a separate dining room for the Sunday brunch as expected. Postage was on target. Nametag stickers cost $41, yeesh. $50 was donated to VITAL. The bank and PayPal and Classmates accounts have been closed, the "Liverpool Music Reunion" business name has been de-registered, and Gary's "reunion" email address has been deleted. Gary will be happy to provide the goriest of details.
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