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Submit a hall of fame!

American High School
Hall of Fame Listing

Email your hall of fame web link to this web site's operator. That's it!

Your email address will not be displayed and not used for spam and not distributed to third parties.

Submit Click here to open an email window. Submit
Or, send an email to gary@gocek.org with [Fame] in the subject line
and the web address of the hall of fame in the body of the message.

You may submit as many links as you like in an email. Please send no attachments, no press releases, no photos. Just links.

Your submissions will be manually visited by a real person. A submitted link must lead to a working web site. The web site must represent the hall of fame for an American high school or school district. The hall may honor anyone (alumni, community members, etc.), as long as it is somehow related to an American school.

The school may be public, private, parochial, etc. There will be no discrimination based on race, color, creed or anything else you can think of.

Submissions may be rejected if the links fail, or if the pages are so confusing that I can't figure out the school or town, or if the site does not represent a high school hall of fame.

Links will be removed upon request. Just click the email link above and tell me what should be deleted and why. This list of halls of fame is a simple list, and no relationship between the various schools, or between the schools and this site, should be inferred. You do not need to be an official representative to submit additions or changes.

You may also send email using the link above to point out offensive content, bad links or any other problem.

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