Christian Feast Days

See also: Forms of Address for Clergy ... Christian Glossary ... Religions of the World
Feast days and other celebrations - The Calendar of Saints. In general, the Roman Catholic church refers to people with the title "Saint", such as in "The Feast of Saint Francis de Sales", while Anglicans usually do not use a title and just use a name, such as in "The Feast of Francis de Sales". In cases where both traditions honor the same person on the same day, this page includes "Saint" rather than repeating the name, but you won't see "Saint" in an Anglican or Episcopalian environment. The Roman Catholic reference to "pope" is synonymous with the Anglican reference to "bishop of Rome" before the Reformation. The year of death is provided where known.
SuperscriptRC = Roman Catholic
SuperscriptANG = Anglican
JAN ... FEB ... MAR
APR ... MAY ... JUN
JUL ... AUG ... SEP
OCT ... NOV ... DEC

† January †
 1  Octave of ChristmasRC, Mary, Mother of GodRC, The Naming & Circumcision of JesusANG
 2  Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, bishops & doctorsRC, Basil the Great (379) & Gregory of Nazianzus (389), bishops & teachers of the faithANG, Seraphim, Monk of Sarov, spiritual guide (1833)ANG, Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, bishop in South India, evangelist (1945)ANG
 3  The Most Holy Name of JesusRC
 4  EpiphanyRC & ANG
 7  Saint Raymond of Peñafort, priestRC
 10  William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury (1645)ANG
 11  Mary Slessor, Missionary in West Africa (1915)ANG
 12  Aelred of Hexham, Abbot of Rievaulx (1167)ANG, Benedict Biscop, Abbot of Wearmouth, scholar (689)ANG
 13  Saint Hilary of Poitiers, bishop & doctorRC, Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, teacher of the faith (367)ANG, Kentigern (Mungo), Missionary Bishop in Strathclyde & Cumbria (603)ANG, George Fox, founder of the Society of Friends (the Quakers) (1691)ANG
 17  Saint Anthony of Egypt, abbotRC, Antony of Egypt, hermit, abbot (356)ANG, Charles Gore, bishop, founder of the Community of the Resurrection (1932)ANG
 18-25  Week of Prayer for Christian UnityANG
 19  Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester (1095)ANG
 20  Saint Fabian, pope & martyrRC, Saint Sebastian, martyrRC, Richard Rolle of Hampole, spiritual writer (1349)ANG
 21  Saint Agnes, virgin & martyrRC, Agnes, child martyr at Rome (304)ANG
 22  Saint Vincent, deacon & martyrRC, Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon, first martyr of Spain (304)ANG
 23  Saint Francis de Sales, bishop & doctorRC, Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, teacher of the faith (1622)ANG
 24  The Conversion of Paul, apostleRC & ANG
 26  Saints Timothy & Titus, bishops & companions of PaulRC & ANG
 27  Saint Angela Merici, virginRC
 28  Saint Thomas Aquinas, priest, doctor, philosopher, teacher of the faith (1274)RC & ANG
 30  Charles, king & martyr (1649)ANG
 31  Saint John Bosco, priest, founder of the Salesian Teaching Order (1888)RC & ANG

† February †
 1  Brigid, Abbess of Kildare (c.525)ANG
 2  Presentation of the LordRC, The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)ANG
 3  Saint Blaise, bishop & martyrRC, Saint Ansgar, bishopRC, Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary in Denmark & Sweden (865)
 4  Gilbert of Sempringham, Founder of the Gilbertine Order (1189)ANG
 5  Saint Agatha, virgin & martyrRC
 6  Saints Paul Miki & companions, martyrsRC, The Martyrs of Japan (1597)ANG
 8  Saint Jerome Emiliani, priestRC, Saint Josephine Bakhita, virginRC
 10  Saint Scholastica, virginRC, Scholastica, sister of Benedict, Abbess of Plombariola (c.543)ANG
 11  Our Lady of LourdesRC
 14  Saints Cyril, monkRC, Methodius, bishopRC, Cyril (869) & Methodius (895), missionaries to the SlavsANG, Valentine, Martyr at Rome (c.269)ANG
 15  Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden (1045)ANG, Thomas Bray, Priest, Founder of the SPCK & the SPG (1730)ANG
 17  Seven Holy Founders of the Servite OrderRC, Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda, martyr (1977)ANG
 21  Saint Peter Damian, bishopRC
 22  Chair of Saint Peter, apostleRC
 23  Saint Polycarp, bishop & martyrRC, Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr (c.155)ANG
 24  Matthias the ApostleANG
 27  George Herbert, Priest, Poet (1633)ANG

† March †
 1  David, Bishop of Menevia, Patron of Wales (c.601)ANG
 2  Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary (672)ANG
 4  Saint CasimirRC
 7  Saints Perpetua & Felicity & their cCompanions, martyrs at Carthage (203)RC & ANG
 8  Saint John of God, religiousRC, Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln (1910)ANG, Felix, Bishop, Apostle to the East Angles (647)ANG, Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, Priest, Poet (1929)ANG
 9  Saint Frances of Rome, religiousRC
 17  Saint Patrick, Bishop, missionary, patron of Ireland (c.460)RC & ANG
 18  Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop, doctor, teacher of the faith, 386RC & ANG
 19  Saint Joseph (of Nazareth) husband of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC & ANG
 20  Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary (687)ANG
 21  Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Reformation Martyr (155)ANG
 23  Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, bishopRC
 24  Walter Hilton of Thurgarton, Augustinian canon, Mystic (1396)ANG, Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, martyr (1980)ANG
 25  The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin MaryRC & ANG
 26  Harriet Monsell, Founder of the Community of St John the Baptist (1883)ANG
 31  John Donne, Priest, Poet (1631)ANG

† April †
 1  Frederick Denison Maurice, Priest, teacher of the faith (1872)ANG
 2  Saint Francis of Paola, hermitRC
 4  Saint Isidore, bishopRC
 5  Saint Vincent Ferrer, priestRC
 7  Saint John Baptist de la Salle, priestRC
 9  Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran pastor, martyr (1945)ANG
 10  William Law, Priest, spiritual writer (1761)ANG, William of Ockham, friar, philosopher, teacher of the faith (1347)ANG
 11  Saint Stanislaus, bishop & martyrRC, George Augustus Selwyn, first Bishop of New Zealand (1878)ANG
 13  Saint Martin I, pope & martyrRC
 16  Isabella Gilmore, deaconess (1923)ANG
 19  Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, martyr (1012)ANG
 21  Saint Anselm of Canterbury, bishop & doctor, Abbot of Le Bec, teacher of the faith (1109)RC & ANG
 23  Saint George, martyrRC, Saint Adalbert, bishop & martyr, patron of England (c.304)RC & ANG
 24  Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest & martyrRC, Mellitus, Bishop of London, first Bishop at St. Paul's (624)ANG
 25  Saint Mark the EvangelistRC, Mark the EvangelistANG
 27  Christina Rossetti, poet (1894)ANG
 28  Saint Peter Chanel, priest & martyr, missionary in the South Pacific (1841)RC & ANG, Saint Louis Marie de Montfort, priestRC
 29  Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin & doctor, teacher of the faith (1380)RC & ANG
 30  Saint Pius V, popeRC, Pandita Mary Ramabai, translator of the Scriptures (192)ANG

† May †
 1  Saint Joseph the WorkerRC, Philip & James, apostlesANG
 2  Saint Athanasius, bishop & doctor, Bishop of Alexandria, teacher of the faith (373)RC & ANG
 3  Saints Philip & James, apostlesRC
 4  English Saints & martyrs of the Reformation eraANG
 8  Julian of Norwich, spiritual writer (1417)ANG
 12  Saints Nereus & Achilleus, martyrsRC, Saint Pancras, martyrRC
 13  Our Lady of FatimaRC
 14  Saint Matthias the ApostleRCRC & ANG
 16  Caroline Chisholm, social reformer (1877)ANG
 18  Saint John I, pope & martyrRC
 19  Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, restorer of monastic life (988)ANG
 20  Saint Bernardine of Siena, priestRC, Alcuin of York, Deacon, Abbot of Tours (804)ANG
 21  Saint Christopher Magallanes & companions, martyrsRC, Helena, protector of the holy places (330)ANG
 22  Saint Rita of CasciRC
 24  John (1791) & Charles (1788) Wesley, evangelists, hymn writersANG
 25  Saint Bede the Venerable, priest, doctor, monk at Jarrow, scholar, historian (735)RC & ANG, Saint Gregory VII, popeRC, Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virginRC, Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne (709)ANG
 26  Saint Philip Neri, priest, founder of the Oratorians, spiritual guide (1595)RC & ANG, Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury (605)ANG, John Calvin, Reformer (1564)ANG
 27  Saint Augustine (Austin) of Canterbury, bishopRC
 29  Lanfranc, Prior of Le Bec, Archbishop of Canterbury, Scholar (1089)ANG
 30  Josephine Butler, Social Reformer (1906)ANG, Joan of Arc, visionary (1431)ANG, Apolo Kivebulaya, priest, evangelist in Central Africa (1933)ANG
 31  Visitation of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC & ANG

† June †
 1  Saint Justin Martyr at Rome (165)RC & ANG
 2  Saints Marcellinus & Peter, martyrsRC
 3  Saints Charles Lwanga & companions, martyrsRC, The Martyrs of Uganda (1886, 1978)ANG
 4  Petroc, Abbot of Padstow (6th century)ANG
 5  Saint Boniface (Wynfrith) of Crediton, bishop & martyr, apostle of Germany (754)RC & ANG
 6  Saint Norbert, bishopRC, Ini Kopuria, founder of the Melanesian Brotherhood (1945)ANG
 8  Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath & Wells, Nonjuror, Hymn Writer (1711)ANG
 9  Saint Ephrem, deacon & doctor, deacon, hymn writer, teacher of the faith (373)RC & ANG, Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary (597)ANG
 11  Saint Barnabas the ApostleRC & ANG
 13  Saint Anthony of Padua, priest & doctorRC
 14  Richard Baxter, Puritan Divine (1691)ANG
 15  Evelyn Underhill, spiritual writer (1941)ANG
 16  Richard, Bishop of Chichester (1253)ANG, Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham, philosopher (1752)ANG
 17  Samuel (1913) & Henrietta (1936) Barnett, social reformersANG
 18  Bernard Mizeki, Apostle of the MaShona, Martyr (1896)ANG
 19  Saint Romuald, abbotRC, Sundar Singh of India, Sadhu (holy man), evangelist, teacher of the faith (1929)ANG
 21  Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, religiousRC
 22  Saint Paulinus of Nola, bishopRC, Saints John Fisher & Thomas More, martyrsRC, Alban, first Martyr of Britain (c.250)ANG
 23  Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely (c.678)ANG
 24  Birth of Saint John the BaptistRC & ANG
 27  Saint Cyril of Alexandria, bishop & doctor, teacher of the faith (444)RC & ANG, Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons, teacher of the faith (c.200)ANG
 28  Saint Irenaeus, bishop & martyrRC
 29  Saints Peter & Paul, ApostlesRC & ANG
 30  First Martyrs of the Church of RomeRC

† July †
 1  Henry (1797), John (1813), & Henry Venn the younger(1873), priests, evangelical devinesANG
 2  The Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to ElizabethANG
 3  Saint Thomas the apostleRC & ANG
 4  Saint Elizabeth of PortugalRC
 5  Saint Anthony Zaccaria, priestRC
 6  Saint Maria Goretti, virgin & martyrRC, Thomas More, scholar, & John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, reformation martyrs (1535)ANG
 7  Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, martyr (1170)ANG
 9  Saint Augustine Zhao Rong & companions, martyrsRC
 11  Saint Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Cassino, father of Western Monasticism (c.550)RC & ANG
 13  Saint HenryRC
 14  Saint Camillus de Lellis, priestRC, John Keble, priest, Tractarian, poet (1866)ANG
 15  Saint Bonaventure, bishop, doctor, friar, teacher of the faith (1274)RC & ANG, Swithun, Bishop of Winchester (c.862)ANG
 16  Our Lady of Mount CarmelRC, Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury (1099)ANG
 18  Elizabeth Ferard, first Deaconess of the Church of England, founder of the community of St Andrew (1883)ANG
 19  Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (c.394), & his sister Macrina, deaconess (c.379), teachers of the faithANG
 20  Saint ApollinarisRC, Margaret of Antioch, martyr (4th century)ANG, Bartolomé de las Casas, apostle to the Indies (1566)ANG
 21  Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, priest & doctorRC
 22  Saint Mary MagdaleneRC & ANG
 23  Saint BirgittaRC (BridgetANG) of Sweden, religious, Abbess of Vadstena (1373)RC
 24  Saint Sharbel Makhluf, hermitRC
 25  Saint James the Greater, apostleRC & ANG
 26  Saints Joachim & Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC & ANG
 27  Brooke Foss Westcott, Bishop of Durham, teacher of the faith (1901)ANG
 29  Saint MarthaRC & ANG, with Mary & Lazarus, companions of our LordANG
 30  Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop & doctorRC, William Wilberforce, social reformer (1833)ANG
 31  Saint Ignatius of Loyola, priest, founder of the Society of Jesus (1556)RC & ANG

† August †
 1  Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, bishop & doctorRC
 2  Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, bishopRC, Saint Peter Julian Eymard, priestRC
 4  Saint Jean-Baptiste Vianney (the Curé of Ars), priest, spiritual guide (1859)RC & ANG
 5  Dedication of the Basilica di Santa Maria MaggioreRC, Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr (642)ANG
 6  Transfiguration of the LordRC & ANG
 7  Saint Sixtus II & companions, martyrsRC, Saint Cajetan, priestRC, John Mason Neale, priest, hymn writer (1866)ANG
 8  Saint Dominic, priest, founder of the Order of Preachers (1221)RC & ANG
 9  Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), virgin & martyrRC, Mary Sumner, founder of the Mothers' Union (1921)ANG
 10  Saint LawrenceRC (LaurenceANG), deacon at Rome, martyr (258)
 11  Saint Clare of Assisi, virgin, founder of the Minoresses (Poor Clares) (125)RC & ANG, John Henry Newman, priest, Tractarian (1890)ANG
 12  Saint Jane Frances de ChantalRC
 13  Saints Pontian, popeRC, Hippolytus, priest, martyrsRC, Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down & Connor, teacher of the faith (1667)ANG, Florence Nightingale, nurse, social reformer (1910)ANG, Octavia Hill, social reformer (1912)ANG
 14  Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest, friar, martyr (1941)RC & ANG
 15  Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC & ANG
 16  Saint Stephen of HungaryRC
 19  Saint John Eudes, priestRC
 20  Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, abbot & doctor, teacher of the faith (1153)RC & ANG, William (1912) & Catherine (1890) Booth, founders of the Salvation ArmyANG
 21  Saint Pius X, popeRC
 22  Queenship of Blessed Virgin MaryRC
 23  Saint Rose of Lima, virginRC
 24  Saint Bartholomew the ApostleRC & ANG
 25  Saint Louis, Saint Joseph of Calasanz, priestRC
 27  Saint Monica, mother of Augustine of Hippo (387)RC & ANG
 28  Saint Augustine of Hippo, bishop & doctor, teacher of the faith (430)RC & ANG
 29  The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, martyrRC & ANG
 30  John Bunyan, spiritual writer (1688)ANG
 31  Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, missionary (651)ANG

† September †
 1  Giles of Provence, Hermit (c.710)ANG
 2  The Martyrs of Papua New Guinea (1901 & 1942)ANG
 3  Saint Gregory the Great, pope, doctor, Bishop of Rome, teacher of the faith (604)RC & ANG
 4  Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester (Oxon), Apostle of Wessex (650)ANG, Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, missionary (687)ANG
 6  Allen Gardiner, missionary, founder of the South American Mission Society (1851)ANG
 8  Birth of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC & ANG
 9  Saint Peter Claver, priestRC, Charles Fuge Lowder, Priest (1880)ANG
 12  Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC
 13  Saint John Chrysostom, doctor, Bishop of Constantinople, teacher of the faith (407)RC & ANG
 14  Triumph of the Holy Cross (Holy Cross Day)RC & ANG
 15  Our Lady of SorrowsRC, Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, martyr (258)ANG
 16  Saints Cornelius, pope, & Cyprian, bishop, martyrsRC, Ninian, Bishop of Galloway, Apostle of the Picts (c.432)ANG, Edward Bouverie Pusey, Priest, Tractarian (1882)ANG
 17  Saint Robert Bellarmine, bishop, doctorRC, Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen, visionary (1179)ANG
 19  Saint Januarius, bishop, martyrRC, Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury (690)ANG
 20  Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, priest, & Paul Chong Hasang & companions, martyrsRC, John Coleridge Patteson, first Bishop of Melanesia, & companions, martyrs (1871)ANG
 21  Saint Matthew the Evangelist, apostle, evangelistRC & ANG
 23  Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), priestRC
 25  Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, spiritual writer (1626)ANG, Sergei of Radonezh, Russian monastic reformer, teacher of the faith (1392)ANG
 26  Saints Cosmas & Damian, martyrsRC, Wilson Carlile, founder of the Church Army (1942)ANG
 27  Saint Vincent de Paul, priest, founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists) (1660)RC & ANG
 28  Saint Wenceslaus, martyrRC, Saints Lawrence Ruiz & companions, martyrsRC
 29  Saints Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, archangels & all angelsRC & ANG
 30  Saint Jerome, priest, doctor, translator of the Scriptures, teacher of the faith (420)RC & ANG

† October †
 1  Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin, doctorRC, Remigius, Bishop of Rheims, Apostle of the Franks (533)ANG, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, social reformer (1885)ANG
 2  Guardian AngelsRC
 3  FeriaRC
 4  Saint Francis of Assisi, friar, deacon, founder of the Friars Minor (1226)RC & ANG
 6  Saint Bruno, priestRC, William Tyndale, translator of the Scriptures, Reformation martyr (1536)RC & ANG
 7  Our Lady of the RosaryRC
 9  Saint DenisRC (DenysANG) & companions, Bishop of Paris, martyrs (c.250); Saint John Leonardi, priestRC, Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, philosopher, scientist (1253)ANG
 10  Paulinus, Bishop of York, missionary (644)ANG, Thomas Traherne, Poet, spiritual writer (1674)ANG
 11  Ethelburga, Abbess of Barking (675)ANG, James the Deacon, companion of Paulinus (7th century)ANG
 12  Wilfrid of Ripon, bishop, missionary (709)ANG, Elizabeth Fry, prison reformer (1845)ANG, Edith Cavell, nurse (1915)ANG
 13  Edward the Confessor, King of England (1066)ANG
 14  Saint Callistus I, pope, martyrRC
 15  Saint Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctorRC, Teresa of Avila, teacher of the faith (1582)ANG
 16  Saint Hedwig, religious, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virginRC, Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, & Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, Reformation martyrs (1555)ANG
 17  Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr (c.107)RC & ANG
 18  Saint Luke the EvangelistRC & ANG
 19  Saints Jean de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, priests & companions, martyrs, Saint Paul of the Cross, priestRC, Henry Martyn, translator of the Scriptures, Missionary in India & Persia (1812)ANG
 23  Saint John of Capestrano, priestRC
 24  Saint Anthony Mary Claret, bishopRC
 25  Crispin & Crispinian, martyrs at Rome (c.287)ANG
 26  Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons, scholar (899)ANG, Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary (672)ANG, Cedd, Abbot of Lastingham, Bishop of the East Saxons (664)ANG
 28  Saint Simon & Saint Jude, apostlesRC & ANG
 29  James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, martyr in Uganda (1885)ANG
 31  Martin Luther, Reformer (1546)ANG

† November †
 1  All SaintsRC & ANG
 2  All Souls - ranked with solemnities, Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day)RC & ANG
 3  Saint Martin de Porres, religious, friar (1639)RC & ANG, Richard Hooker, priest, Anglican apologist, teacher of the faith (1600)ANG
 4  Saint Charles Borromeo, bishopRC
 6  Leonard, hermit (6th century)ANG, William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, teacher of the faith (1944)ANG
 7  Willibrord of York, bishop, apostle of Frisia (739)ANG
 8  The Saints & Martyrs of EnglandANG
 9  Dedication of the Lateran basilicaRC, Margery Kempe, mystic (c.1440)ANG
 10  Saint Leo the Great, pope, doctor, teacher of the faith (461)RC & ANG
 11  Saint Martin of Tours, bishop (c.397)RC & ANG
 12  Saint Josaphat, bishop, martyrRC
 13  Charles Simeon, priest, evangelical divine (1836)ANG
 14  Samuel Seabury, first Anglican bishop in North America (1796)ANG
 15  Saint Albert the Great, bishop, doctorRC
 16  Saint Margaret (Queen) of Scotland, philanthropist (1093)RC & ANG (Anglicans refer to her also as a reformer of the Church), Saint Gertrude the Great, virginRC, Edmund Rich of Abingdon, Archbishop of Canterbury (1240)ANG
 17  Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, religiousRC, Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln (1200)ANG
 18  Dedication of the basilicas of Saints Peter & Paul, ApostlesRC, Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, philanthropist (1231)ANG
 19  Hilda, Abbess of Whitby (680)ANG, Mechtild, Béguine of Magdeburg, mystic (1280)ANG
 20  Edmund, King of the East Angles, martyr (870)ANG, Priscilla Lydia Sellon, a restorer of the religious life in the church of England (1876)
 21  Presentation of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC
 22  Saint Cecilia, martyr at Rome (c.230)RC & ANG
 23  Saint Clement I, pope, martyr (c.100)RCRC & ANG Saint Columban, religiousRC
 24  Saint Andre Dung Lac & companions, martyrsRC
 25  Saint Catherine of Alexandria, martyr (4th century)RC & ANG, Isaac Watts, hymn writer (1748)ANG
 29  Day of Intercession & Thanksgiving for the Missionary Work of the ChurchANG
 30  Saint Andrew the apostleRC & ANG

† December †
 1  Charles de Foucauld, hermit in the Sahara (1916)ANG
 3  Saint Francis Xavier, priest, Jesuit missionary, apostle of the Indies (1552)RC & ANG
 4  Saint John Damascene, priest, doctor, monk, teacher of the faith (c.749)RC & ANG, Nicholas Ferrar, deacon, founder of the Little Gidding Community (1637)ANG
 6  Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (c.326)RC & ANG
 7  Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, doctor, teacher of the faith (397)RC & ANG
 8  Immaculate(RC) Conception of the Blessed Virgin MaryRC & ANG
 9  Saint Juan DiegoRC
 11  Saint Damasus I, popeRC
 12  Our Lady of GuadalupeRC
 13  Saint Lucy of Syracuse, virgin, martyr (304)RC & ANG, Samuel Johnson, moralist (1784)ANG
 14  Saint John of the Cross, priest, doctor, teacher of the faith (1591)RC & ANG
 17  O SapientiaANG, Eglantine Jebb, social reformer, founder of 'Save The Children' (1928)ANG
 21  Saint Peter Canisius, priest, doctorRC, Thomas the apostleANG
 23  Saint John of Kanty, priestRC
 24  Christmas EveANG
 25  Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day)RC & ANG
 26  Saint Stephen, deacon, the first martyrRC & ANG
 27  Saint John the Apostle, evangelistRC & ANG
 28  Holy Innocents, martyrsRC & ANG
 29  Saint Thomas Becket, bishop, martyr, Archbishop of Canterbury (1170)RC & ANG
 30  Sixth Day with the Octave of ChristmasRC
 31  Saint Sylvester I, popeRC, John Wyclif, Reformer (1384)ANG
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